The purpose of this blog post is twofold: to update you on the search process for the new High School principal and to ask for your input into the qualities of a successful candidate.
We hope to have the entire process completed by the middle of August. The posting was advertised in several newspapers, Education Week, the American Educational Research Association and posted on several university websites. There will be two rounds of committee interviews. Each committee will consist of a different group of teachers, students, administrators and parents/community members. I hope to have 2-3 candidates following the second committee interviews. These candidates will be interviewed by the entire Board of Education.
I am excited about the process and about finding an excellent leader for Somerville High School although the candidate will have to fill some big shoes left by Mr. O'Halloran. I am currently soliciting input from our SHS faculty and would like to use this blog as a vessel for student, parent and community input. As always, my door is always open for your comments/thoughts if you would prefer a personal meeting.
What are the qualities/characteristics that YOU would like to see in the new Somerville High School Principal?
I would like to see some new conceptual ideas like academies to promulgate student interest. Thanks for soliciting our input.
We need some new ideas. I would prefer an outside candidate.
Status quo is never enough.
Change requires effort.
A Principal ought to emulate values,not merely move their lips.
A principle needs to be visible to the students. They should know him and feel comfortable with him and visa versa. It would be wonderful if the new SHS principle saw the students not just on paper, but in action in class, clubs, sports, rehearsals and performances. These are what contribute to the whole person. A recognition of the many shared time Votech students is important as well. Too often these students have been ignored, yet are excelling in both school environments.
Imagine a leader that actually knows something about the world: A leader that can tap dance as well as play chess with passionate students.A leader that can engage students in a persuasive debate before a live audience. A leader that acts weekly upon their words. A leader that has a desire to learn about the world in order to grow.
visible seconded. A leader who never shows his face is an odd bird indeed.
It would be wonderful to get a Spanish speaking leader in Somerville. Our growing Latino student population need a positive role model!
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