Friday, October 31, 2014

#allin4theVille Awards

Is there a staff member that you would like to recognize? Someone that went the extra distance for you or your child?  

Nominate her/him for an #allin4theVille award!

The district recognizes staff members (bus drivers, custodians, security/attendance officers, secretaries, aides, teachers, counselors, CST, support staff, and administrators) for their outstanding efforts.  
Several staff members will be recognized periodically throughout the school year! Click here to nominate a staff member.

#allin4theVille Award Recipients
Van Derveer P-2
Eileen Barist (14-15)
Staci Delese (15-16)
Johann Derflinger (14-15)
Holly Ehrnman (15-16)
Kerry Foote (15-16)
Lindsay Frevert (14-15)
Yolima Vasquez (15-16)

Van Derveer 3-5
Michael Guilarte (14-15)
Joelle Kessler (15-16)
Meghan Royack (14-15)
Charlene Tackvic (14-15)
Brennen Thompson (15-16)
Dora Underwood (15-16)

Somerville Middle School
Matthew DeBlock (14-15)
Lindsey Kulis (15-16)
Stephen Loreti (14-15)
Allison Parajon (15-16)
Freddie Shaker (15-16)
Rodney Weems (14-15)

Somerville High School
David Damaschke (15-16)
Angela Goff (14-15)
Matthew Krempasky (15-16)
Laura Manziano (14-15)
Joseph Pugh (15-16)
Michael Skomba (15-16)
Karen Stephenson (15-16)
Dr. Shawn Temple (15-16)
Vern Underwood (14-15)
Aida Wahba (14-15)
Danielle Zurawiecki (14-15)

Sheila Deck (15-16)
Marietta Gamba (14-15)

Lisa Mulhearn (15-16)
Joan Thorne (14-15)

Community Stakeholders
Jeffrey Vanderbeek (15-16)

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