Wednesday, September 30, 2015

3DPD: A Best Practice Repository

Last year, the district launched 3DPD* (Three Dimensional Professional Development) which allows educators to differentiate their own professional development through an online "best practice" repository.  Teachers record instructional segments or full lessons using a Swivl camera in their classroom.  These recorded clips are uploaded into a private YouTube channel where colleagues can access the content 24/7 and collaborate about the viewed practices.  Although teachers have the latitude to observe colleagues in action, the online repository reduces the need for teachers to have substitutes cover classes for peer observations and enables them to spend more time in the classroom with their students.

Under the direction of the Director of 21st Century Education, the channel allows teachers to tag lessons by pedagogical topics.  This enables the viewer to search the database for interested areas in a relatively quick manner.  The Director approves, manages the channel, and ensures that footage is tagged and uploaded properly.  

This is yet another way that we celebrate and highlight excellent classroom pedagogy in the Ville!  We are fortunate to have so many "best practice" models in the Ville exemplified by our outstanding educators.  3DPD is another piece of evidence that our educators are #allin4theVille and dedicated to perfecting their craft.

*Special thanks to Melissa McCooley for coining the phrase "3DPD."

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