Tuesday, June 8, 2010

District's Budget Recommendations

On Monday evening the Board of Education voted unanimously to the following reductions to the 2010-2011 defeated school budget.

(Township Recommendation = TR)

Instrc Services ($44,627.00) Sal Freeze/Reduc of Staff (TR)
Instrc Services ($3,166.00) Sal Freeze (TR)
Undistributed Expenditures ($189.00) Sal Freeze (TR)
Ed Media Serv/Sch. Library ($1,397.00) Hold to 2009/10 Level (TR)
Support Services-General Admin ($7,495.00) Sal Freeze (TR)
Support Services-School Amin($4,500.00) Sal Freeze/Reduct (TR)
Central Services ($8,444.00) Sal Freeze (TR)
Required Maint for School Facilities ($2,200.00) Sal Freeze (TR)
Custodial Services ($6,102.00) Sal Freeze (TR)
Social Security ($10,000.00) Hold to 2009/10 Level (TR)
Emp Benefits ($3,000.00) Reduce Estimated Increase (TR)
Emp Benefits ($32,400.00) Reduce Increase based on contrib (TR)
Staff Salaries ($14,986.75) Science Position Retirement Breakage
Staff Salaries ($35,599.90) Reduct of a MS teaching position
Regular Programs - Undistributed Instruct($573.00) Sal Freeze (TR)
Support Staff - Aides ($20,290.00) Reduction of aide
General Supplies - Tech ($4,000.00) Tech - Printers (8)
General Supplies - Tech ($6,250.00) Laptops (5)
General Supplies - Tech ($4,687.00) Server
General Supplies ($8,306.35) Teachers Reduction of supplies
Textbooks ($4,700.00) Reduction of Reading Street Order (TR)
Resource Room/Resource Center ($3,643.00) Sal Freeze
Revenue Transp Fee ($2750) Subsc Busing (Raise $50 for 1st Child)

TOTAL $229,306.00


Anonymous said...

Which MS position is being reduced? Is this why the 8th grade next year will only have one section for social studies, language arts, and special subjects?

HTS parent

Superintendent's Corner said...

Yes, due to a lower enrollment there is less sections of 8th grade next year. The principal has contacted all of the 7th grade parents to inform them of the change. We are unfortunately losing Sandy D'Angio as she is moving out of state. She will be missed.