Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Athletic Appointments

I would like to take this opportunity to address circulating rumors regarding my involvement in athletic appointments.  Interviews and screening of candidates for athletic appointments are made at the building level with a final recommendation going to me.  I confer with my administrators at the building level and, if I am satisfied that the person being recommended is the best candidate for the position, I will recommend him/her to Board of Education for final approval, as required by New Jersey law.  I am involved in the process at the end.  I am 100% supportive of all athletic recommendations to date.  I expect that my recommendations will reach the Board during our annual coaching appointments in May/June.  The Board of Education is typically not involved in the process until it is asked to vote on my recommendation.  Any concerns over the process should be brought to the building principal first, then myself and then to the Board of Education.  Following the proper chain of command allows the concerns to be addressed in the appropriate manner.

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