Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sharing Services is Cost Effective

New Jersey School Boards Association defines shared service as a collaborative arrangement between school boards or a school board and one or more entities. Shared services are generally established as a cost savings measure.

In March of 2009, Township Committeeman Lanzerotti, Township Administrator Gail McKane, Superintendent Tim Purnell and Board of Education member Kim Macaulay met to discuss the notion of shared services in order for both the Township and HTS to realize efficiencies and reduce expenses. Although separate entities, the Township Committee and School District share equipment and space. The Township has assisted the school with various projects such as grading the stone lots, removal of large snow piles, core aerating the ball fields, operation of heavy equipment and fuel for vehicle/power equipment.

The school has provided a waste water manager for the Township and continues to provide facility usage for various organizations in town, including the first aid squad and police department.

The school district shares three staff members with local school districts in the area. Harding is fortunate to belong to a network of districts (over 100) that share insurance and cooperative purchasing abilities. A complete list of shared service arrangements can be found on the Superintendent’s homepage. The administration and BOE will continue to explore additional opportunities to reduce expenses through shared services.


Anonymous said...

Has the board thought of sharing a superintendent with Madison? This maybe a way for sharing services particularly when looking for a new superintendent. Mine Hill shares a superintendent with Wharton.

Superintendent's Corner said...

The BOE conducted research regarding the feasibility of a shared superintendent and determined that it would not be in the best interest of Harding.

Anonymous said...

Why would it not be in the best interest of Harding? Can you share the board's research?

Superintendent's Corner said...

The research was presented at a Board of Education meeting, but I will reach out to the president to see if I can post a copy on the district website.

Superintendent's Corner said...

I posted the Board of Education's study on the Superintendent's Corner of the school website.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, I will take a look at it.