Saturday, February 8, 2014

New App for the Ville!

In an effort to increase our methods of communication, I am pleased to announce that we have officially launched our district app!  The district app, Somerville PS, can be downloaded from Google Play or iTunes for free.

Features of the Somerville Public School app include:
Somerville PS
- Links to each school that include directions, contact information and school websites.
- Customizable news feed(s) by school (under settings)
- Customizable calendar(s) by school (under settings)
- School lunch menus
- Link to district athletic events through Schedule Star
- Link to district Facebook page
- Link to my Twitter feed, blog, and YouTube channel
- Link to School Messenger for school/district alerts
- Link to PowerSchool, student information system
- Link to District Dashboard for updates on District goals/strategic plan

The app has gone through a development phase with beta testing during from a multitude of stakeholders, include attendees of my brown bag lunch session.

Additional information regarding the app and instructions on its features can be found on our district Facebook page at

Enjoy the app and let me know how we can further improve its functions!

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